CART/Champ Car

Highest average percent led

Data are approximate to speed up querying time, but should in most cases be accurate to the hundredths place. This statistic measures the average percentage of a race a driver led and is the best measure for dominance (because very often the driver who wins the race was not the driver who dominated), and laps led is biased towards races that have larger numbers of laps, while this statistic equalizes all races. 25 or more starts are needed to appear on the list for F1, Champ Car, IndyCar, MotoGP, NASCAR Xfinity, or NASCAR Trucks, while 50 or more starts are needed for NASCAR series. Data for NASCAR Xfinity Series is only available from 1995 to present.

DriverAverage percent led
Sébastien Bourdais32.271781
Juan Pablo Montoya30.184500
Bobby Unser28.619722
Alex Zanardi19.179242
Michael Andretti16.022104
Nigel Mansell13.709355
Paul Tracy13.542605
Rick Mears11.631620
Mario Andretti11.225048
Jacques Villeneuve10.793750
Hélio Castroneves10.762785
Kenny Bräck10.157966
Emerson Fittipaldi10.112564
Al Unser, Jr.10.015861
Gil de Ferran9.288217
A.J. Allmendinger8.793500
Bobby Rahal8.698258
Justin Wilson8.635185
Cristiano da Matta8.616634
Dario Franchitti7.856667
Danny Sullivan7.651235
Will Power7.518000
Bruno Junqueira7.442970
Johnny Rutherford7.395047
Al Unser7.046637
Gordon Johncock6.614932
Tom Sneva6.404844
Greg Moore5.156389
Teo Fabi5.152034
Bryan Herta3.354298
Alex Tagliani3.345038
Ryan Hunter-Reay3.067674
Roberto Guerrero3.045833
Max Papis2.994336
André Ribeiro2.989853
Tony Kanaan2.969892
Patrick Carpentier2.909786
Nelson Philippe2.890250
Jimmy Vasser2.851164
Memo Gidley2.508684
Adrián Fernández2.326145
Roberto Moreno2.128667
Mark Blundell2.007160
Mauricio Gugelmin1.995442
Mike Mosley1.994595
John Paul, Jr.1.967586
Oriol Servià1.932080
Michel Jourdain, Jr.1.711250
Mario Domínguez1.689302
Christian Fittipaldi1.653778
Arie Luyendyk1.576901
Jacques Villeneuve, Sr.1.563889
Kevin Cogan1.487241
Scott Dixon1.274359
Robby Gordon1.205140
Scott Goodyear1.102577
Pancho Carter1.032414
Raul Boesel0.925407
Parker Johnstone0.773333
Scott Pruett0.727379
A.J. Foyt0.634118
Alex Barron0.532647
Danny Ongais0.519231
Howdy Holmes0.453611
Dan Clarke0.406296
Richie Hearn0.395085
Pete Halsmer0.363636
Rodolfo Lavin0.352368
Geoff Brabham0.340116
Eddie Cheever0.314634
Josele Garza0.295455
Katherine Legge0.217500
Stefan Johansson0.124730
Arnd Meier0.121034
John Andretti0.111644
Bill Alsup0.101786
Scott Brayton0.073469
Shinji Nakano0.071429
Tora Takagi0.052895
Derek Daly0.045455
Tony Bettenhausen, Jr.0.034688
Gualter Salles0.015306
Ed Pimm0.010476
Mike Groff0.009259
Hiro Matsushita0.000000
Ross Bentley0.000000
Mark Smith0.000000
Buddy Lazier0.000000
Marco Greco0.000000
Jeff Wood0.000000
Gary Bettenhausen0.000000
Willy T. Ribbs0.000000
Didier Theys0.000000
Dominic Dobson0.000000
Alessandro Zampedri0.000000
Dennis Vitolo0.000000
Juan Manuel Fangio II0.000000
P.J. Jones0.000000
Luiz Garcia, Jr.0.000000
Tarso Marques0.000000
Mario Haberfeld0.000000
Andrew Ranger0.000000
Tom Bagley0.000000
Spike Gehlhausen0.000000
Dick Simon0.000000
Johnny Parsons0.000000
Dick Ferguson0.000000
Roger Mears0.000000
Dennis Firestone0.000000
Herm Johnson0.000000
Bill Tempero0.000000
Jerry Karl0.000000
Steve Chassey0.000000
Chip Ganassi0.000000
Randy Lewis0.000000
Ludwig Heimrath, Jr.0.000000
Dale Coyne0.000000
Fabrizio Barbazza0.000000
John Jones0.000000
Ted Prappas0.000000